Ice-T drives an electric car. He has solar panels on his house. “I’m not a fanatic when it comes to the environment, but I definitely try to do my part,” says the actor and musician.
Publié le 11 décembre 2008 Organisation territoriale, élus et institutions, Cohésion des territoires Les rumeurs sur la suppression des pays vont bon train depuis que le président de la République a lancé le chantier de la réforme territoriale. Symbole pour certains du "mille-feuille teritorial" tant décrié, eux se défendent au contraire de constituer un échelon territorial à part entière. Reçus le 9 décembre par le comité Balladur sur la réforme des collectivités territoriales, comme ils l'avaient demandé lors de leurs états généraux fin octobre à Caen, Emile Blessig et Jean Glavany, respectivement président et vice-président de l'Association de promotion et de fédération des pays, sont sortis rassérénés après un entretien "
Japan is a country of surprises that never stops astonishing foreigners. Even a school year in the Land of the Rising Sun starts, not in August, but in April, and finishes in March. But that’s not the only interesting aspect of the Japanese educational system.
We at Bright Side decided to learn more about what the life of Japanese school kids is like. The bonus at the end will show you proof that there are quite a few atypical school rules in Japan.
Kids from 1st to 6th grades are in primary school in Japan.
Publié le 19 février 2021par Jean-Noël Escudié / P2C pour Localtis Tourisme, culture, loisirs Comme elle l'avait annoncé, Roselyne Bachelot a organisé une réunion, le 18 février, avec des responsables de festivals de musiques actuelles, des organisations et des fédérations professionnelles, afin d'évoquer les perspectives des festivals pour 2021, et plus particulièrement leur saison d'été. C'est peu dire que cette réunion était attendue par les organisateurs, les artistes, mais aussi les collectivités concernées (voir notre article du 11 février 2021).
Publié le 14 février 2023par Frédéric Fortin / MCM Presse pour Localtis Energie, Europe et international Dans la guerre qui se joue autour de l’hydrogène, la France vient de remporter une bataille. La Commission européenne a en effet présenté ce 13 février deux actes délégués requis par la directive sur les énergies renouvelables (RED II), qui tiennent compte de la décarbonation du mix électrique français.
L’acte délégué dit "
It’s hard to imagine what a dolphin or a whale needs a pelvic bone for. Sure, the structure was important 40 million years ago, when the ancestors of these seagoing mammals were walking around on land and had actual legs attached to actual hips. But for a legless swimmer, there doesn’t seem to be any point. No wonder evolutionary biologists have long considered these small, apparently useless bones purely vestigial, destined eventually to vanish.
In her latest , you can think the giant lump on her patient's back is a run-of-the-mill lipoma. The bump is massive, and if you liked her jiggly lipoma removal , this is a truly extraordinary lipoma. One fan asked: "Is this a pimple or an extra organ?" Good question. Dr. Pimple Popper adds a lengthy description to match this feature-length pop: "We've got a bundle of joy popping out in this Lipoma Bebe on the back.
September 20, 2018 1:57 PM EDT
Italian luxury sneaker brand Golden Goose came under fire after it debuted a pair of $530 sneakers that are styled to look dingy and worn-out with duct tape accents that’s described on Nordstrom’s website as “crumply, hold-it-all-together tape.”
The design is a riff on the “distressed” fashion trend, but some shoppers think that the intentional wear and tear of a pair of brand-new sneakers is in poor taste, especially when seen in the context of those whose shoes look like that because of economic depression as opposed to a style trend.
Since President Tinubu assumed office in May 2023, Nigeria has experienced a notable surge in the prices of essential goods and services, significantly affecting the daily lives of its citizensThe government insists that these price increases are a necessary part of economic reforms aimed at ensuring long-term sustainability, despite the widespread debate and concern they have examined some of the major items and services that have seen significant price hikes under President TinubuNigeria has witnessed a sharp rise in the prices of essential goods and services under President Tinubu-led administration, a shift that has profoundly impacted the daily lives of millions.